
3D Rendering

The following is a brief overview and introduction to the 3D rendering system in Pokemon Platinum and how to use it.

Abstraction Layers

The lowest level 3D is interacting directly with the hardware via NitroSDK. NitroSystem provides a slight abstraction over this with G3D.

The game has 2 additional layers of abstraction over this:

1 - Easy3D

The first layer of abstraction is the Easy3D System (easy3d.h). Which provides basic functionality for:

To elaborate on the last point: Before using any 3D graphics, a “3D Graphics State” must be initialized. The struct for this is currently called GenericPointerData. The Easy3D system provides an easy method to set up a simple gfx state via Easy3D_Init (With Easy3D_Shutdown as its counterpart), which works for most scenarios.

2 - Easy3DObject

The second layer of abstraction is Easy3DObject (easy3d_object.h). This API provides a streamlined interface for:

One thing to keep in mind is that this system by itself does not establish a 3D GFX State. This system is also not used everywhere. In a lot of places Easy3D is used directly instead of this object oriented interface.


The following is an example for using the Easy3DObject API for:

  1. Loading a model with textures, animation, and texture animation
  2. Binding them all together
  3. Updating the animations
  4. Drawing the model

I will be using the Giratina model from the title screen for this.

Loading the data

The first thing needed is some static storage to hold our data:

Easy3DObject giratinaObj;
Easy3DModel giratinaModel;
Easy3DAnim giratinaAnim; // Model Animation
Easy3DAnim giratinaTexAnim; // Texture Animation
NNSFndAllocator allocator; // Needed for Animations

Next we load all of the data:

// Open the title NARC

// Load the model from the title screen NARC. Member index 1 is the model data.
// There is also Easy3DModel_Load which takes a NARC index and a member index.
Easy3DModel_LoadFrom(&giratinaModel, narc, 1, HEAP_ID_FIELD);
Easy3DObject_Init(&giratinaObj, &giratinaModel);

// Initialize the Allocator used by the animations
Heap_FndInitAllocatorForExpHeap(&allocator, HEAP_ID_FIELD, 4);

// Load the model animation with member index 2.
Easy3DAnim_LoadFrom(&giratinaModelAnim, &giratinaModel, narc, 2, HEAP_ID_FIELD, &allocator);
// Bind the animation to the object
Easy3DObject_AddAnim(&giratinaObj, &giratinaModelAnim);

// Do the same for the texture animation
Easy3DAnim_LoadFrom(&giratinaTexAnim, &giratinaModel, narc, 0, HEAP_ID_FIELD, &allocator);
Easy3DObject_AddAnim(&giratinaObj, &giratinaTexAnim);


This is all that needs to be done in terms of setup, now the model is ready to draw (provided a 3D GFX State has been set up).

Drawing the Model

Before drawing there’s a few things that should be configured on the object, one of them being the position of the model obviously. For simplicity’s sake I will just set the models position to the player’s position.

const VecFx32 *pos = PlayerAvatar_PosVector(fieldSystem->playerAvatar);
Easy3DObject_SetPosition(&giratinaObj, pos->x, pos->y, pos->z);

// Make sure the model actually gets rendered
Easy3DObject_SetVisibility(&giratinaObj, TRUE); 

// The model is pretty big so scale it to half its size
Easy3DObject_SetScale(&giratinaObj, FX32_CONST(0.5), FX32_CONST(0.5), FX32_CONST(0.5)); 

Now we can actually render the model:

// Update the animations
// Here we advance the animation by one frame.
// There is also Easy3DAnim_Update which does not loop the animation
Easy3DAnim_UpdateLooped(&giratinaModelAnim, FX32_ONE);
Easy3DAnim_UpdateLooped(&giratinaTexAnim, FX32_ONE);

// Draw the model

All of that results in the following:


Obviously the rotation and resizing is not outlined above. The code for this is the following:

u16 angle = Easy3DObject_GetRotation(&giratinaObj, ROTATION_AXIS_Y);
angle = (angle + 100) % 0xFFFF;
Easy3DObject_SetRotation(&giratinaObj, angle, ROTATION_AXIS_Y);

// Resize using L and R
if (gCoreSys.heldKeys & PAD_BUTTON_R) {
    VecFx32 scale;
    Easy3DObject_GetScale(&giratinaObj, &scale.x, &scale.y, &scale.z);
    scale.x = FX_Mul(scale.x, FX32_CONST(1.01));
    scale.y = FX_Mul(scale.y, FX32_CONST(1.01));
    scale.z = FX_Mul(scale.z, FX32_CONST(1.01));
    Easy3DObject_SetScale(&giratinaObj, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
} else if (gCoreSys.heldKeys & PAD_BUTTON_L) {
    VecFx32 scale;
    Easy3DObject_GetScale(&giratinaObj, &scale.x, &scale.y, &scale.z);
    scale.x = FX_Mul(scale.x, FX32_CONST(0.99));
    scale.y = FX_Mul(scale.y, FX32_CONST(0.99));
    scale.z = FX_Mul(scale.z, FX32_CONST(0.99));
    Easy3DObject_SetScale(&giratinaObj, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);